Designers and the art of persuasion

Posted in Articles by Design Robot

A designer’s job invariably involves presenting ideas to people. Be it a client, customer, colleague or boss, it is crucial to get the idea or concept across in the best possible manner in order for it to be successfully signed off. It’s just not enough to send a pretty picture – much more communication is needed. 

Sometimes, ‘designer types’ aren’t the best at selling their ideas. If that sounds like you, then luckily Paul Boag has written a very handy article for Smashing Magazine with some helpful tips on gently persuading people to accept your work.

1. Empathize

Start by Listening
Tailor Presentation of Agenda
Show Benefit to Other Party

2. Be Personable

Get Them Nodding
Be Enthusiastic
Mirror Them
Make Them Smile

3. Be Open

Disarming Honesty
Be Willing to Show Weakness

4. Be Confident

Be Confident, Not Arrogant
You Do Not Always Have To Win

5. Be Positive

To read the article in full, pop on over to Smashing Magazine. Enjoy :)

About Design Robot

Design Robot spends rather a lot of his time researching and searching the web to find examples of highly creative work and play in all types of design, photography, art, typography and more.
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