Letterpress loveliness
Posted in Design, Graphic, Inspiration, Packaging, Printmaking, Stuff, Typography by Brett KellettJust received this letterpressed beauty in the post from Glasgow Press. I’m probably one of many designers who went straight over to order their own copy as soon as they read about it on Creative Reviews blog. It is designed by Kerr Vernon and really is pretty nice to hold, it features five A5 postcards with lyrics from Glaswegian bands pressed into the GH Smith Colorplan and all held together by a belly band with a wax seal — brilliant.
A great mailer that will surely succeed in bringing in some work and at the least rasing their profile in the minds of print loving designers everywhere.
Get a copy here.
| Tags: colorplan, deboss, design, ghsmith, glasgow, graphic, kerr, letterpress, press, print, printmaking, seal, vernon, wax
A station fit for Kings – Kings Cross Station Redevelopment
Posted in Design, Industrial, Inspiration by Brett KellettKings Cross station finally looks to stand proud beside its magnificent neighbour St Pancras.
Having just returned from a weekend in London I thought I would share some architectural wonder with you. Possibly my favourite building in the world has to be St Pancras international train station.
If ever you were looking for an architectural explanation of the word grandeur, then that is it, the recent regeneration of the building has transformed it into a modern masterpiece. Next door however is a building that, even though part of the same single transport hub seemed a little forgotten, until now. Kings Cross Station is undergoing a massive regeneration in partnership with English Heritage which will include the relocation of the ticket hall and the demolition of the ugly (and apparently intended to be temporary) 1970’s green front. Read more »
| Tags: architecture, british rail, gothic, heritage, kings cross, london, network rail, regeneration, st pancras, train, transport, victorianThe Americans – A visual documentary by Alec Dudson
Posted in Art, Inspiration, Photography by Brett KellettPhoto journalist Alec Dudson has been trekking over America documenting his trip on his trusty SLR.
His insistence on using ‘old fashioned’ film rather than any of that modern digital malarky, makes the taking of the photo all the more important. Waiting for the perfect moment, rather than snapping hundreds which have to be whittled down on a computer later, results in photos with soul rather than digital files edited in Photoshop. His recent interview on the Dazed Digital blog gives a great insight into the thought process behind choosing this moment.
You can find more of his work on his website and alongside others on Kollektivnye.
| Tags: America, americans, beauty, documentary, film, journalism, LA, landscape, liverpool, Los Angeles, manchester, moment, New Orleans, new york, NewYork, north-west, NYC, passion, People, Philadelphia, photo, photograph, photography, portrait, soul, visual, WashingtonDC6 billion people – 6 billion colours
Posted in 3D, Advertising, Video by Design Robot
Nokia E71 – Universal Everything – 6 billion people, 6 billion colours from Sermad on Vimeo.
Nokia E71 – Universal Everything
Here’s a video (another old one I’m afraid) which gives an interesting take on social connections and building communities. Gives human characteristics to abstract shapes and spheres, Matt Pyke’s file shows the shapes interacting with each other – colliding, attracting, forming groups and populating the landscape.
‘The more connections I make, the further I can reach across the world finding inspiration in every person I meet.’ Matt Pyke