Category: Typography

Hidden elements

Posted in Branding, Design, Stuff, Typography by Brett Kellett

If you’re interested in logo design then Logo, from Lawrence King Publishing is a great reference and it’s not just image after image, a lot are accompanied with an insight from the designer or client into the idea behind the logo. But what caught my attention was something less remarkable and which had been staring at me in the face all along and somehow, through looking at it in a different context ie. in a book and displayed in black and white, it made me spot something ‘new’.

Call me daft but I’ve watched Formula 1 since i was old enough to get downstairs at 6 in the morning to watch it, but never did I regard the F1 logo as any good, in fact I thought it was a bit naff (which the typography generally is). Yet when I flicked through Logo, I noticed straight away what i had missed, that the 1 in F1 is the white space in between the F and the speedy swooshes opposite! Where did that come from?

Another one I noticed was the playstation logo, I had never realised that the strange shadow of the P was an S!

I have no idea how I missed theses little touches (seen as they are so obvious), I suppose that when something has been in your line of sight for so long you just don’t take note of it anymore, you just recognise it’s shape.

Here I a few more nice and not so obvious examples of typographic trickery from the book including one that for obvious reasons, I wish I had done.


Get the book on here.

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Letterpress loveliness

Posted in Design, Graphic, Inspiration, Packaging, Printmaking, Stuff, Typography by Brett Kellett

Just received this letterpressed beauty in the post from Glasgow Press. I’m probably one of many designers who went straight over to order their own copy as soon as they read about it on Creative Reviews blog. It is designed by Kerr Vernon and really is pretty nice to hold, it features five A5 postcards with lyrics from Glaswegian bands pressed into the GH Smith Colorplan and all held together by a belly band with a wax seal — brilliant.

A great mailer that will surely succeed in bringing in some work and at the least rasing their profile in the minds of print loving designers everywhere.



Get a copy here.


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Happy New Year! — Bermondsey Street Art Calendar

Posted in Design, Graphic, Printmaking, Stuff, Typography by Brett Kellett

Got some printed loveliness from the folks at Bermondsey based design agency HudsonFuggle over Christmas for their street art themed calendar. Loving the bright orange printed on card. Read more »

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New Ltd Edition Prints from Seb Lester

Posted in Art, Illustration, Printmaking, Typography by Design Robot

“Passionate about letterforms.”

For those of you who have an avid interest in creative typography, Seb Lester should need no introduction. Indeed, Seb’s prints have been briefly featured on this website before, and it’s highly likely that you have admired his work without even knowing it.

Trained in Graphic Design at Central Saint Martin’s, Seb now works as a type designer, illustrator and artist in London, creating type illustrations and typefaces for some of the world’s most prolific companies. The CV of brands touched by his creativity reads like a who’s who of household names such as British Airways, Waitrose, The Daily Telegraph, H&M, Barclays, Apple and Nike. I could go on… Read more »

Typography and Illustration from Sebastian Lester

Posted in Illustration, Inspiration, Typography by Design Robot


While searching for some typographic inspiration today, I stumbled upon the website of Sebastian Lester.
Trained in Graphic Design at Central Saint Martins, Seb now works in London as a type designer and typographic illustrator. Read more »

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