Mason and Tudor – Ms White Plum Brandy Packaging

Posted in Packaging by Design Robot

It’s always a joy to find some expertly crafted typography, so I was instantly drawn to this packaging design by Brent Loosli. Here’s Brent’s take on the project…

Ms. White is a premium English brandy distilled with small yield English plums. This specific spirits recipe dates back to the late 19th century.  I decided upon pursuing a look and feel that was true to the era of the brandy recipe while telling a deeper story of refinement while maintaining a strong presence. This involved digging deep into historical material to inspire the authenticity of the forms & shapes to create a custom solution. The typography was hand-lettered along with the creation of ornament to complete the artwork.

Role & Medium: Creative Direction, Logo Design, Packaging Design, Custom Typography & Ornamentation

Find out more on Brent’s website…

About Design Robot

Design Robot spends rather a lot of his time researching and searching the web to find examples of highly creative work and play in all types of design, photography, art, typography and more.
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